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Who has a Hard/Race Drivin' machine?


Nov 19, 2012
old vids never seem to be as good as you remember.

That one was a big deal, I remember it well, have not seen it in 20 years, probably best.


Active Member
Nov 14, 2012
Scarborough, ON
Agreed - I was all hot to trot for an Elevator Action, until I played it in a mame. That was the end of my quest. I'd take a mame, but a dedicated cabinet would be a waste I think.


Active Member
Right? That's what I'm worried about. I remember I could run for ever, then race/beat whoever had the best 'ghost' in the final race. It's actually how I learned how to drive a stick shift. :p
I've tried watching some vids, but it's hard to get an actual feel for it again. I'd be very surprised if anyone relatively local actually had one.

I'd try it in MAME, but would be worried the feel of the wheel/stick/clutch wouldn't be the same.

Elevator Action... I remember playing that game in a resorts gameroom when I was a kid, sometime in the 80's. I too thought it was the most amazing game ever.
Fast forward to the early-to-mid 2000's, I fired it up in MAME, and thought it was absolutely terrible. :p


Nov 14, 2012
Corunna, Ont
My old Race Drivin upright may still be kicking around somewhere. It *was* in Cambridge. Try posting over at CGCC.
It was as awesome as I remembered when I had it. But I loved Atari driving games, I had Race Drivin, Roadblasters and Super Sprint at one point. :)


May 12, 2013
For a fun driving game, race/hard drivin doesn't hold up that well, I had a mame driving machine that I built, hard drivin played well but just wasn't as fun as ironman offroad or crusin USA.

If you wanna build a mame here's a good start.
Mame driving cabs only on Kijiji http://toronto.kijiji.ca/c-ViewAd?AdId=515776636

It's not hard to make a good playing mame with driving controls, and there's a good number of driving games


Active Member
I never liked any games like Cruisin' USA. (a strong dislike, actually) Playing a couple of them recently has confirmed that for me.
Super Sprint was (and still is) amazing, but without an actual SS steering wheel to throw around, it wouldn't be the same.

It's the realism of simulators I like. But I am sure modern sims like Gran Turismo have ruined my memories of how realistically awesome Race Drivin' was.

My goal is to find a HD/RD out there, whether in the wild, or privately. Even if I thought it wasn't as great as I remember, at least I'd have some sort of closure. :lol:


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
I saw my good old friend silver matrix posted this last week on CGCC


I PM'd him and said WTF are you getting now and he said a Hard Drivin' cab :FP: I don't know if he was able to arrange moving it but if any of you want I can ask him to pass the lead on if he decides not to get it.

brewmanager said:
Agreed - I was all hot to trot for an Elevator Action, until I played it in a mame. That was the end of my quest. I'd take a mame, but a dedicated cabinet would be a waste I think.

Certain games can be emulated pretty close to the original dedicated equivalent depending on how sophisticated the controls are. Dedicated cabs are not light and or most cases can not be broken down which makes moving or transporting them a pain. I know dedicated driving cabs can be taken apart to a certain degree but the leftover pieces are still pretty big and awkward to move or fit down a flight of stairs. I built a self contained MAME podium from scratch a few years ago which can be hooked up in front of any wall mounted LCD/Plasma via HDMI. I tried to incorporate proper controls for certain games such as a trackball (not install yet in this pic), spinner and a dedicated 4 way stick too. I also tried to keep original layouts too with Street Fighter II in the middle and Mortal Kombat on the outsides so there was no excuses when I was kicking my friend's asses :lol:


It is great because it takes up very little space, pretty easy to move and you get to relive most of your childhood or teen memories. I gave it to my brother inlaw up in Barrie for my nieces and nephews to enjoy several years ago. I will be helping out Drano build a MAME very soon once he gets his gameroom sorted out and starts building his bar.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
Keswick, ON
When I finish my Extension aside from my MAME, I plan to add:

Super sprint, I loved this game as a kid and had one many years ago that I sold as I got more into pinball. Great game to play with others, boring as shit play on your own.
Robotron, fun game but I suck at it and yea you can emulate it on a mame, but the original controls just make the game play so much better.
Vector MAME, I bought the controller card a long while ago to allow me to use a vector monitor with a mame machine just waiting till I have some free time to actually buy some kind of vector machine and set it up.

Hard driving I remember but I also remember not liking it much :p


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Vengeance said:
Super sprint, I loved this game as a kid and had one many years ago that I sold as I got more into pinball. Great game to play with others, boring as shit play on your own.

I would love to have a Super Sprint and was thinking of building one from scratch or somehow integrating with my existing SFII MAME since I have a few extra control panels which I can swap out. GroovyGameGear sells a USB spinner with a 7" steering wheel attachment which works pretty well but I don't know what to use for a gas pedal.


TurboTwist 2™ Arcade Spinner Control

Someone on here mentioned that Andy at ultimarc has a product called the APAC which you can hook up controls that use pots and map in MAME. I might try to get my hands on a set of Super Sprint pedals and see.