Might be a silly question but I have encountered MANY people who say do not deal with this fella or that......would it be hard to do a STAr ......PLUS or minus......by that a mean a STANDARD wherein no comment but a simplistic STAR system could be employed be it a liar, cheat, great fella, moderate fella etc.........I'd HAPPILY donate towards a PLUS/MINUS scale...N E one else agree ??? For a NEWBIE they can get f@cked swiftly is why I posted this . I guess if u posted up or down have it OPEn so anyone can "reach out" and ask why they posted a bad star or a super star? TRULY there needs to be some guidance....stopped 4-5 buddies in a 6 month window from be f@cked & not in a good way. Food for thought. Sorry long winded but its the only way....