Here is a recent video posted of the latest 1.24 code
== Legend ==
+ Addition * Change/bugfix - Note
== Version 1.24 ==
=== Game Code
* Skill shot award lamp effect shows OZ lane state now.
* Crystal Ball Modes now release balls from locks if not enough in Trough.
* Ball save lamp color now orange and faster.
* Flipper Frenzy now final Crystal Ball mode.
* Glinda won't stymie the Witch during Flipper Frenzy.
+ Interface Emerald indicators for Witch Battle.
+ Haunted Multiball (stub only at the moment).
* New attract mode SOTR movie.
+ Munchkin Loop Champion.
+ Yellow Brick Road Champion.
* Winkie VUK and HOADC collect audits fixed.
+ Status report shows extra balls and tilt warnings.
+ ECMB background lamp effect.
+ Haunted letters complete lamp effect.
+ Twister lamp updated now.
+ Many more lamp effects.
+ Melt the Witch mode.
+ Lock lit fanfares.
* Status report rule state fixed for things after Melt the Witch was played.
+ Yellow Brick Road awards.
=== Core Code
+ Hardware Info added to diags.
+ I/O reconnection attempted if lost, should rectify crystal ball disconnect crash.
* Volume display now shows a number.
* Up to 8 high scores.
+ Highlighting of LED on on-screen playfield image in single LED tests.
+ Sound fading.
=== OS
+ Modified boot and updater to force SSD cache flush at game start.
+ Removed depricated packages from base install.
* Auto installer now respects SSD's of varying size.
* Patched kernel to fix 200 day uptime panic. (Highly unlikely but fixed anyway).