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WTB plastic set DE Simpsons


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2014
Delhi Ontario
My brother has a DE Simpsons and it came with a bunch of broken plastics that are taped together with black electrical tape. I don't even know how the previous owner managed to break the plastic on the lower lane guides by the flippers but who knows...
On a side note my brother had the cooling towers replaced with regular thumper bumpers as the towers tend to easily crack (and were pretty bad). Is this an easy swap out to the original tower (i.e. is it just a quick swap out or is it a rip out the whole thing rebuild and put back in kind of job)???

So I am looking for a FULL set of plastics


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2013
If you had contacted me a few motnhs ago Id have had a whole bunch for you. You can find many of them online in the usual places like marco, bay area, etc. SB can order most at a decent rate.

As for the cooling towers, unless they were butchered, you can but the replacement caps with brackets. Simple to do as its all on top, no need to tear anything apart really. I just hope the previous owner didnt hack it to bits.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2014
Delhi Ontario
They are sold out and don't include the plastic I am looking for the bottom right lane guide right next to the right flipper. I don't know how someone broke that one. it must have been a D'oh!
I figured it will probably be easier to start out looking for a full set. I will be sure to make a full inspection of his machine later in the week when I am visiting. Maybe it's just a few plastics......
I used the Pinside search engine for the e-bay links (as it shows the US only sales) and one is party plastics (thanks to that seller for not having a complete title) and the other is only for 4 (most common to break) plastics.
I figured maybe someone has some lying around somewhere.
who knows? Even I have an old set of Wizard! plastics on the shelf.


Nov 14, 2012
Corunna, Ont
Marco Specialities as a full cooling tower pop bumper cap kit, includes all the brackets and hardware. I just installed it on a client's DE Simpson's today. Looks and works beautifully.