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Search results

  1. BMHouze

    WTB EZ Clips

    EZ Clips (Mezelmods) Where can I get these 'in country' A modders dream to have some wireform clips.
  2. BMHouze

    Shooter Rods

    Threaded the end of the spare to try to make something down the road.
  3. BMHouze

    Toys and Collectibles Auction, including Arcade and Pinball Machines!

    The 70 cents on the dollar makes it tempting.... For Afterburner..... Aztec, not so much for me, Call Al there's a Centipede!
  4. BMHouze

    Pinball what a hobby I'm loving it

    I had to show some of the boys at work the video from GnR Night Train. I should have done Live and Let Die, but whatever.
  5. BMHouze


    That stunning endorsement of pain in the ass does not have me rushing to 'call now'.....
  6. BMHouze


    While interesting, and would seem to fit with the flasher trigger. It's the Purple. Heavy Metal is all about Loc Nar Green.
  7. BMHouze


    I would like to see some installed pinstadiums on something Stern whitestar or older. I know they look good on GnR I just have my doubts it will look near as good on Heavy Metal. I certainly would like to see them on an older pin (without a custom light show) first. They are certainly not cheap.
  8. BMHouze

    WTB Flyers G Sure Shot, DE Simpsons

    What can I say, I get nostalgic. Even though I only had Sure Shot long enough to vacuum out the squirrel nests.
  9. BMHouze

    WTB Flyers G Sure Shot, DE Simpsons

    Not yet. I only look at shows. So I don't even look too often. I like to have, what's been through the lineup
  10. BMHouze

    SOLD HUO JJP Guns N' Roses LE

    I am just happy I got cash Thursday and avoided any trouble with that IT outage. It was shutdown week at work. My week of the year to buy.
  11. BMHouze

    SOLD HUO JJP Guns N' Roses LE

    It's like being a kid at Xmas waiting for the parents to wake up. After they were up all night assembling what's under the tree..... He just left. Got a little crazy, but we found the connection that came loose during takedown. Great seller, great game. He went all out to be sure it was 100%...
  12. BMHouze

    Pinball what a hobby I'm loving it

    My barber was always good for leads I did a goodwill fix on a Genie and his neibour had Spin Out.
  13. BMHouze

    Antisocial Pinball Lounge

    Just run an extension out front and offer Tesla parking
  14. BMHouze

    FOUND Elvis

    I have owned one, always check for wear by the magnet on the right side.
  15. BMHouze

    New pin location in Tillsonburg

    I played Taxi. The old 5 star Jr. is neat.
  16. BMHouze

    Stern Godzilla 70th Announced!

    Spike 3?!?!
  17. BMHouze

    Antisocial Pinball Lounge

    Somebody has to ask, Are forum members VIPs? Special privileges (washroom with heated seat) ??? Guided tour ? Insider Connected on the Sterns? VIP room?
  18. BMHouze

    Antisocial Pinball Lounge

    Booze, The barbershop can serve now. Food, Maybe a Rob Zombie and a Whoa Nellie in the back half with the 'exotic' dancers.
  19. BMHouze

    Antisocial Pinball Lounge

    Is Heavy Metal going to be on site? I would rather you keep it an home. If you share it, people will just want it. Sure some won't, but some will. Let's keep HM 'our' little secret.