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  1. thewebexpert


    DONE. Got a Stargate and a project. Thanks everyone!
  2. thewebexpert

    Facepalm picard must be added!

    :FP: Is now there boys. Enjoy.
  3. thewebexpert

    domain redirecting question

    Sorry I did not notice your message earlier, or I would have helped you! Glad you figured it out. Derek
  4. thewebexpert

    Manual for Stargate / Help with sound

    Replaced the board thanks to Ottawa's #1 commercial pinball guy who always has something in his basement or shed. Thanks Pinhead!
  5. thewebexpert

    Manual for Stargate / Help with sound

    have manual and assembled. now trying to troubleshoot the lack of sound, it appears that it does not "boot" since the light stays on solid on the sound board.
  6. thewebexpert

    Manual for Stargate / Help with sound

    I just picked up a stargate and need help with the schematic for reassembly. Anyone have it can mind me calling to ask a few questions about it? I should have photographed it before I took it apart, but everything is labelled, and I think some are aux. jacks but I want to make sure before...
  7. thewebexpert

    Ikea Retro arcade vinyl stickers

    Notices these in the store last weekend... snazzy if you want that kind of theme. Basically it is a sheet of stickers you can layout any way you want on the wall, floor, video game cab whatever. $9.99 stickers, perfect for a retro room. The self-adhesive stickers are easy to mount on to...
  8. thewebexpert

    Facepalm picard must be added!

    I always thought it to mean :Really WTF?!
  9. thewebexpert

    Facepalm picard must be added!

    I will pop it in tonight, to save me some time guys, what is the short code to make the smiley appear? Like Colon D gives you the very happy smilies... so what is the bbcode to give the Facepalm? D
  10. thewebexpert

    Facepalm picard must be added!

    I will add a new collection soon ;) rather not take from MAACA, there has to be something equally as fitting and not from them .... unless they stole it from a different source on the internet and that is what we will use... know what I mean?
  11. thewebexpert

    email notifications?

  12. thewebexpert

    Clickable links should open in new window

    I will look to see if I can change the default behaviour of the URL short code, however as a standard, you can just press CTRL while you are clicking and it will open in a new tab. Cheers Derek
  13. thewebexpert

    New Server

    Instant email notification, fast (solid state drives) disk access. This will be far better then dreamhost. Dreamhost has been great for what we paid for it, however, as the saying goes, you pay for what you get. They had overloaded mail servers, and disk write delays, over 5 seconds just to...
  14. thewebexpert


    I have a hole in my collection, looking for anything exciting, if you are thinking of thinning out your collection, or making space in your basement, garage or kitchen, send me a PM. Looking for something preferably in the ottawa region, or someone who can offer decent shipping. More I pay for...
  15. thewebexpert

    ANNOUNCE: A *NEW* way to order from PinballCustoms.com!

    I am still waiting for the Tron Disc Shooters. Ahem.
  16. thewebexpert

    Leg Rubbers

    Thank you for the offer,. I ended up just using some scrap flooring for now, new rubbers on order. :) I appreciate the offer Trevor Derek
  17. thewebexpert

    Laseriffic Topper for Tron

    Anyone buy a Laseriffic Topper? it looks great! http://www.pinballlife.com/index.php?p=product&id=2296 Derek
  18. thewebexpert

    Leg Rubbers

    I bought the last few sets from PBR for $1.45 each - the discount + shipping, however shipping is very reasonable and there are always other parts I need :) I was just looking for a quick fix this weekend. thanks for the ideas. Derek
  19. thewebexpert

    Leg Rubbers

    Looking for the rubber leg cups (http://www.pbresource.com/images/leg-rubber.jpg) Anyone in Ottawa with a stash I need 6 more. Derek
  20. thewebexpert

    email notifications?

    It is the ISP, it has very slow and poor mail queues. however it is also free....