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Search results

  1. eh97ac

    FS Chromed H Channel

    Got a H Channel in Chrome from Pinball Plating, $50 and I can meet up at the Church swapmeet http://www.pinballplating.com/available-parts/bally-williams-h-channels-on-top-of-speaker-panel
  2. eh97ac

    Vewlix Clone MAME/Console Project

    I'll drop by this weekend to play it this weekend ;)
  3. eh97ac


    Nice works, it looks amazing! Can you elaborate on the paints used and stencils?
  4. eh97ac

    SOLD Revenge From Mars $3650 Firm

    I forget does that head come off or pivot?
  5. eh97ac

    Leg Leveler Mounting Plates

    2" are at player 1, not sure about the plates
  6. eh97ac

    WTB: Gyruss

    Bump. I will also consider a cocktail version
  7. eh97ac

    FT metallica le

    Nice machine Ben!
  8. eh97ac

    WTB: Gyruss

    Redundancy....I live by it;)
  9. eh97ac

    WTB: Gyruss

    Looking for a Gyruss, projects are ok.
  10. eh97ac

    SOLD Pinbot no longer available

    It's summertime and the living is easy, road trips are fun, beer is cold. Post it up for everyone!
  11. eh97ac


    Molotow and Ironlak, you pick the colour. @spiroagnew did one, he might have the exact colour name
  12. eh97ac


    A ham sandwich +$7
  13. eh97ac

    Where to buy Molex/pins in Canada?

    Pro Tip - Use GPE's part numbers when searching Digikey
  14. eh97ac

    Where to buy Molex/pins in Canada?

    GPE does deliver up here. Digikey.ca as an alt.
  15. eh97ac

    SOLD Downsizing projects - Fathom

    I'll get play field pics later. Plastic and rail pics....see pinside