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Search results

  1. eh97ac

    SOLD Downsizing projects - Fathom

    In been thinning the project heard lately. Fathom is up next. CPR Gold playfield CPR Plastic set Reese rails set Merf's apron $1600 No actual game is included
  2. eh97ac

    Where to find cabinet decals?

    No decals, that was a sprayed cabinet. http://pinballpimpstencils.com/?page_id=1442
  3. eh97ac

    SOLD Stern Hot Hand

    Fun game! Custom ROM floating out there for it too.
  4. eh97ac

    FS Arcade boards $100 for the lot

    Bootlegs, not worth much
  5. eh97ac

    3D Printed Bally Drop Target

    3x to 1000x your cost + shipping Really depends on your cost and what the modding market will bear
  6. eh97ac

    3D Printed Bally Drop Target

    Sell it on Pinside, you'll be rich;) Nice work!
  7. eh97ac

    WTB: Gyruss

    Looking for a Gyruss cab, any shape. No bootleg boards please
  8. eh97ac

    SOLD "Pauline" Donkey Kong

    That is sweet looking!
  9. eh97ac

    FS Plastic sets

    Centaur and Galaxy sold PPU
  10. eh97ac

    FS Plastic sets

    A few used plastic sets, $30 each. Bad plastics were tossed, what you see is what you get. Galaxy has some new CPR pieces. Centaur Seawitch Galaxy
  11. eh97ac

    Road to IFPA

    Almost 500 views, keep it up
  12. eh97ac

    Road to IFPA

    I took a gander yesterday, great idea.
  13. eh97ac

    FS *SALE* BSD Dracula Mod -$190 shipped

    http://pinballrevolution.com/conversations/add?to=REVOLUTION Ask for a refund!
  14. eh97ac

    FS "Not Mine" Pinball Machines For Sale

    Dave posts under two accounts now????
  15. eh97ac


  16. eh97ac


  17. eh97ac

    Banana-fana fo-foranaer

    Banana-fana fo-foranaer
  18. eh97ac

    voranaer, voranaer, bo-boranaer

    voranaer, voranaer, bo-boranaer
  19. eh97ac

    Shipping to Montreal - any advice on shipper?

    Drive it there and get some hot dogs, cheap beer and a Saturday night in Montreal.
  20. eh97ac

    FS Things on my floor and possibly from a shelf

    The transformer/rectifier combo was burned in for 6 hours in my Centaur. 1 hour of gameplay and 5 hours of attract mode. It will work in the following games. Used In The Following Games: Black Pyramid, BMX, Centaur, Centaur II, Cybernaut, Eight Ball Deluxe, Eight Ball Deluxe Limited Edition...