This was the featured TED talk for today. There's some startling numbers, but their hopeful to rebuild Detroit.
Population is less then 740 000 people
Over 100 000 empty parcels of land, 20 square miles of vacant properties.
Only 27 jobs for every 100 people...
Today I put some more time into the bottom cabinet build. The front of the box is mitered together on either side. The bottom of the cabinet slides into a dodo joint, and for the back I used a rabbet joint so that the back door will be recessed once closed. The top piece is sitting on top with...
I was thinking about the next draw. (2nd annual PBRev giveaway)
It would be cool to have 3 different games to draw from.
Sell 20 to 30 tix = "game A" (EM to preDMD)
Sell 30 to 40 tix = "game B" (SS to DMD)
Sell 40 to 50 tix = "game C" (good DMD)
Sell 50 or more = "NIB stern" (or another "A...
I've also been posting on hyperspin forums with this build. It's virtually the same information. But you can follow it here. ... L-(pinball)-KOMBAT-a-build-thread
I was able to begin cutting wood yesterday. I took a 4'x8' sheet of plywood and cut it...
Thanks for the heads up zeb, I'm going to try what I've got for now, but I'll be making another one of these for a buddy in a couple months, so maybe I'll try yours then.
I will be contacting you for a couple boards once I get closer to that stage in the build. Probably buy a whole kit if you...
Re: Raffle is CLOSED!
I could Sooo use a pinball game. Can't wait to come pick it up. Sorry guys.... Just saying; I'm the luckydogg 8-)
I will get a ticket each year. I really like the idea of an annual draw.
Ok, so on a scale of 1 to 10; this is not a 10. But that's ok. Did anyone expect this to be "the best game ever"? I mean its way better then I could do, but I'm also not a pinball designer. If you think of how many bad games have been made since the 80's... Is this the worst? No.
A while ago i saw this post in another thread
Immediately I thought this would be cool for my virtual machine, but didn't want to pay their I made one.
I took the regular shooter rod plate,
Used a combination of power tools to put a hole in it,
And then added a light up...
Here's the same picture showing where the screen will sit inside the machine. I'm planning on having the glass at an 8deg angle and the screen at a 4deg angle. This will give the illusion of depth without having the playfield sit flat. I hope it works well.
Last night I had a bit of time to work on ideas. I think that I've figured out the side of the cabinet along with tv placement. The side rails that I have, have holes in them for flipper buttons so this limits the button placement and screen placement. I don't think there will be enough room to...
So ford just announced the 2015 mustang this week. But that car in the video isn't it. Weird. Thought it would be a good way to show off the new car.
It seems to quick to be a fast and furious re work. They would have been working with ford for more then a couple days on this....although... ... y-pinball/
Any news about pinball is good news. Congrats on the feature story.
Let us know when the article comes out about you recroom, I'd be interested in reading that too
Re: TAF or AC/DC ProjQuery18204664392643608153_1386249343722
I've never played TAF, so can't say
But. Acdc is a solid game. I always enjoy playing it. Also not a huge fan of the band (even though I've seen them live twice)
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