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[GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board *Completed*


Active Member
Nov 14, 2012
Scarborough, ON
Re: [GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board ends May 1/2

Yup, put me on hold too. In fact....the noise doesn't bug me a bit. I'm out. Sorry guys.....


Nov 19, 2012
Re: [GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board ends May 1/2

I'm going to pull out as well at this time. If anyone buys them I'll be happy to hear about how they work, tested over time, but I'll pass on buying it now.


Super Member
Nov 18, 2012
Re: [GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board ends May 1/2

I will not proceed until i here back from pascal , i emailed him and he is out of office till april 28th , will post his response .


New Member
Feb 16, 2013
Quebec city
Re: [GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board ends May 1/2

I have'nt heard from him either.
I can also post his response, but, it'll be in french, I messaged him in french.


Active Member
Nov 19, 2012
Mississauga, ON
Re: [GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board ends May 1/2

I'm not sure what Pascal can say to make me feel better. Short of an installation faux pas, which I don't think this is, this sounds like a design issue. Since there is no dedicated switch at the entry to the mini-PF, I can see how the device could get confused. It seems possible to me that two balls can arrive at the VUK together, get delivered to the mini PF and as soon as one leaves, the other would be stranded.

The fact that it happened at all is enough for me... but I do look forward to the explanation.


Super Member
Nov 18, 2012
Re: [GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board ends May 1/2

lets not loose faith , we will wait for an explanation , could be an install problem or most likely something else , will keep everyone informed


New Member
Feb 16, 2013
Quebec city
Re: [GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board ends May 1/2

I got a response from Pascal.
To resume what he says is , it must be a bad adjustement on a couch switch or the "out ramp" switch.
I've checked those but will double check....
He also says that the board has been tested with 3 different guys for a few months and he would'nt of thrown this product on the market if it did'nt work 100% all the time.
It might be due to vibration while playing a game, will check this weekend......

je reprends mon activité après 2 semaines de courtes vacances.

avant sa commercialisation, la carte PI-SIM a été testée de manière intensive sur 3 jeux différents chez 3 personnes différentes, pendant plusieurs mois.
c'est uniquement quand mes beta-testeurs m'ont dit que tout a toujours bien fonctionné que j'ai lancé la production.

la carte PI-SIM fonctionne de manière fiable seulement si les switches suivants sont opérationnels à 100% et ne "rebondissent" pas trop :
- le kicker vertical (VUK)
- les 3 switches du canapé
- le switch de sortie par la rampe inférieure droite

les mini flippers sont activés quand une bille est envoyée depuis le plateau principal vers le mini-plateau par le VUK.
ils sont coupés quand :
- la bille sort par la rampe inférieure droite
- la bille se loge dans le canapé

des faux déclenchements dûs à des switches de canapé ou de rampe mal ajustés pouvaient se produire suite à des vibrations mécaniques excessives pendant une partie.
ces problèmes disparaissent une fois ces switches contrôlés et réajustés.

pour faire vos tests, vous pouvez afficher le numéro des switches activés sur le plateau en installant deux circuits TIL311 sur la carte comme expliqué dans le manuel.
la carte PI-SIM fonctionnera comme avant et en plus affichera soit le nombre de billes sur le mini-plateau soit le numéro du switch fermé le plus récent, selon la position du DIPSW #2.



New Member
Feb 16, 2013
Quebec city
Re: [GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board ends May 1/2

Did'nt check yet but I just thought of something important.
When I bought the game it had a pop bumper and a few switches that were'nt working, including the out ramp switch , after lifting the mini playfield I found out that a connector was the problem, it was'nt completely "pressed in" the outlet, I fixed the problem and it never hapened again but I'm thinking that maybe that connector does'nt have a perfect contact because the problem happens only after a that the VUK activates or when the upper flippers are activated as well, so it seems like vibration must be the problem.

I'll update everything tomorro evening.


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Re: [GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board ends May 1/2

Pascal is away on vacation but seems to have access and took the time to compile this reply:

Before its release, the PI-SIM board has been thoroughly tested in 3 different TSPP games at 3 friends' places for several months. I openly advertized for it only when my beta-testers said it was working reliably in all cases.

The PI-SIM board works reliably only if the following switches are 100% operational and not over-bouncing:
- the vertical kicker and its switch (VUK),
- the 3 switches of the couch,
- the mini playfield ramp switch on the bottom right exit ramp

The mini flippers are turned on whenever a ball is kicked from main to mini playfield in the VUK. They are turned off when:
- the ball exits on the bottom right exit ramp
- the ball ends in the multiball couch

You can use the PI-SIM board's feature to display the actuated switches, as described in the manual: you have to solder two 14-pin machine tool IC sockets on the board at locations U6 and U7, and then insert TIL 311 displays on them. The PI-SIM board's will operate as usual but will also display either the number of balls in the mini playfield or the actuated switches numbers, depending on DIPSW #2.

Anyways, I have removed all previous names and luch is going to get one himself and said to make the deadline May 8, 2013. If you are comfortable with Pascal's response and confident that all the switches mentioned in your game are working 100% and want to be put back on the list send me a PM.


New Member
Feb 16, 2013
Quebec city
Re: [GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board ends May 8/2

I've checked and noticed that the problem occured only when a ball was locked in the couch, I checked and found that couch switch number one was a little too loose.
I've tightened it a little and played many, many games today with TSPP and I never had a single problem with the upper flippers.
I've even played many games with a freind and nothing went wrong at all......
I'm happy this was the only problem, I was getting worried as well about my purchase......

Buy with confidence.


Active Member
Nov 14, 2012
Scarborough, ON
Re: [GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board ends May 8/2

My vuk seems to need multiple kicks to get the ball up there. This is giving me some pause as to how this board would work.


New Member
Feb 16, 2013
Quebec city
Re: [GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board ends May 8/2

brewmanager said:
My vuk seems to need multiple kicks to get the ball up there. This is giving me some pause as to how this board would work.

Mine too.....and it never causes any problems.
The flippers are activated as soon as the ball hits the VUK switch, even if the ball does'nt kick right the first or second time, there is no problem what so ever.


New Member
Feb 16, 2013
Quebec city
Re: [GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board ends May 1/2

mwong168 said:
and confident that all the switches mentioned in your game are working 100% and want to be put back on the list send me a PM.

Watch out though, all switches on my game worked 100% brfore installing the PSI board, only, the ball "number one" switch had to be pressed too far to activate which gave a glich once a while and deactivated the PSI board.
Switches must not only be fonctional but well adjusted as well, mostly the couch switches, which are more easilly affected by mecanical vibrations.


New Member
Feb 16, 2013
Quebec city
Re: [GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board ends May 8/2

Hey everyone.
Just wanted to give an update on the board.
I've played my TSPP every day and many games each day, there has not been one single flaw with the upper flippers.
The board works 100% every single time.


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Re: [GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board ends May 8/2

tastef said:
Hey everyone.
Just wanted to give an update on the board.
I've played my TSPP every day and many games each day, there has not been one single flaw with the upper flippers.
The board works 100% every single time.

That is great news so if anyone wants to get back on the list before luch places the order on May 9th send me a PM and I will add you on.


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Re: [GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board ends May 8/2

See Post #1 and make sure your name is on the list if you want in on this as luch will be placing the order in with Pascal tomorrow.


New Member
Feb 16, 2013
Quebec city
Re: [GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board ends May 8/2

I still have no issue what so ever with this board, if anyone was wondering......
Plus, sometimes, on "couch multiball", the balls are released instantly without having to wait for the animation to finish on the DMD.
It makes the game faster, I love this mod.

Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
Re: [GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board ends May 8/2

Plus, sometimes, on "couch multiball", the balls are released instantly without having to wait for the animation to finish on the DMD.

Doesn't that just happen if you hit the flippers to cancel the animation normally? Are you saying that sometimes this just happens on its own?