Re: [GroupBuy] TSPP Upper Flipper Control Board ends May 1/2
Pascal is away on vacation but seems to have access and took the time to compile this reply:
Before its release, the PI-SIM board has been thoroughly tested in 3 different TSPP games at 3 friends' places for several months. I openly advertized for it only when my beta-testers said it was working reliably in all cases.
The PI-SIM board works reliably only if the following switches are 100% operational and not over-bouncing:
- the vertical kicker and its switch (VUK),
- the 3 switches of the couch,
- the mini playfield ramp switch on the bottom right exit ramp
The mini flippers are turned on whenever a ball is kicked from main to mini playfield in the VUK. They are turned off when:
- the ball exits on the bottom right exit ramp
- the ball ends in the multiball couch
You can use the PI-SIM board's feature to display the actuated switches, as described in the manual: you have to solder two 14-pin machine tool IC sockets on the board at locations U6 and U7, and then insert TIL 311 displays on them. The PI-SIM board's will operate as usual but will also display either the number of balls in the mini playfield or the actuated switches numbers, depending on DIPSW #2.
Anyways, I have removed all previous names and luch is going to get one himself and said to make the deadline May 8, 2013. If you are comfortable with Pascal's response and confident that all the switches mentioned in your game are working 100% and want to be put back on the list send me a PM.