Got to play a few games on this last night at TOPL (thanks again to Sam and Nick for bringing it out for the event), and it's pretty good. It definitely looks good, and the screen, sounds, and lights are top notch. Always a strength with JJP games. Lots of long shots on the playfield though, and that back spinner is really hard to hit. It also seemed like there was a decent amount of flipper fade by the end of the night, but the game was also always being played for a good 5 or so hours. I don't really have any great affinity for the theme either way, and the layout wasn't mind blowing in the same way that Godzilla or Foo was out of the box. The lower PF was fine I suppose, but it's pretty limited in what you can do. It's a neat gimmick, and better than the static figures under the PF on Bond, but right now it only seems to be used in one way. Scoring on the game was also all over the map, with multiballs being crazy points. I had no real sense of progression on the game, but it did seem like it was pretty easy to get Pandora letters, so maybe getting to that wizard mode will be achievable? At the end of the day though, was there $18k worth of pinball there (or more for the CE), and I think the answer is that it's hard to tell. I don't see it yet, and comparing to something like Jaws, I don't see it being 4k better than a premium (or 8k more than a pro).