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The Pinball Diaries (what did you do today?)


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
The Bluffs, Scarborough
Bobby Orr Power Play (nice all original) delivered to a new home.
Nitro Ground Shaker (cc'd) and Sure Shot (player's copy) delivered.

Picked up a couple of project pins.
More tomorrow.


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
I brought home my first woodrail today!
Actually bought two of them in as many days.

A 1947 Humpty Dumpty and a 1958 Rocket Ship

Will post some pics in my restoration thread once I get them set up
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Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
I met up with Brock yesterday at SB to grab this Creature shooter rod he made for me. I was very impressed as usual with his attention to detail in the paint job and has a great feel in hand.






20141219_080029.jpg Finally got around to working on the bar for my basement. Finished up the stone work.
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Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
The Bluffs, Scarborough
Tomorrow is now 2 days later.

Moved 6 vids, 4 pins around yesterday.
Put 2 pins and 2 vids into a good friend's basement last night.

Picked up Rollergames from Tim today to go to some revolutionary...
The body is sore now, I gotsta say...
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Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
This weekend I managed to break my 1958 Gottlieb Rocket Ship :(

The game had one feature that wasn't socring right. The right gobble hole should score 50K when unlit and 300K when lit. It only scores the unlit value. The left gobble hole is fine.

In the process of trying to trouble shoot it, I managed to somehow make the game unplayable by disabling the roto-target scoring and spinning functions alltogether.
It took me both nights over the weekend but I, first, managed to get the roto-target running again and then, last night, foud the bad switch on the alternating relay that was preventing the 300K scoring.
Plays great now... although some of the bulbs are finicky and the sockets could use some attention.

These games can be very rewarding to repair... as well as very frustrating.
I feel my EM education is well underway.
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Active Member
Nov 24, 2014
For the first time I have something to report here! With much help I tried to debug a failed board on BOPP, but ultimately I borrowed a board and my first pin is back up and running.

Then I moved and unpacked an eight ball that just arrived. The new dolly paid for itself the first time when I was able to move down the stairs without any problem. I connected everything up and the right flipper wasn't working. After a phone call to the guys I bought it from I had the hood up and was adjusting the flipper mechanism. Project successful, I just need to slide it back to it's new home, level it out and adjust a couple of dip switches. She's a beauty, pictures to follow.

If someone had told me that in my first week of ownership I'd be replacing a board and digging around underneath to adjust a flipper I might have not started this crazy journey. But it's pretty awesome when it works and I think having 2 Bally's of similar age is a smart way to start. I'm getting a sense of what many of the pieces do and getting some confidence I can do this.

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Active Member
Apr 1, 2013
Montreal, Quebec
We pretty much all started the same way. Keep up the good work! Learning by experience is the best way to do it. The more you poke around in these machines the more confident you'll become. Enjoy!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Congrats CJBob on acquiring both these games and sorting things out. You will gain more comfort and confidence as time goes on and I would highly recommend you "donate" to Clay's to get access to his Pinball Ninja blog website. He just posted his 845th blog repair entry recent which are pretty detailed with pics and usually accompanied by a youtube video too. I think it is $20usd one time and believe me it money well spent as there is lots of things to be learned regarding general pinball repair & troubleshooting and he even teaches you things like how to use a DMM. Here is an example of one of his repair blog entries for a customer's Eight Ball

Bally -17 Eight Ball (repair#825*)

Working on a 1978 Bally Eight Ball today. This is a -17 MPU system, and I’ve worked on this game before. I didn’t remember it, but it had all my trademark repairs. The -17 MPU board was bead blasted to remove corrosion about three years ago (and has held up well.) A coin style cr2032 battery was installed, and a single 2732 EPROM at U2. These are all trademarks of a ninja repair. So what was the problem here then?


The game booted fine. But upon bootup, the standard chime “call to post” song was not heard. Instead the slingshot kickers would fire! Pretty bizarre. (Check out the video of this, hard to explain in words, but once you hear it, you’ll know just what I mean.)


Actually this is a fairly common problem on the -17 and -35 Bally systems. It works like this… the MPU decides it wants to fire a particular coil. It sends the signal to fire (say) coil #7 to the U11 PIA. This peripheral chip then encodes the coil number into 4 bits (1110) and sends this encoded 4-bits of data to the MPU connector J4 pins 1,2,3,4. (Each pin is a bit, either high or low, representing a 1 or 0.)


The encoded signal is sent to the solenoid driver board (SDB) at its connector J4 pins 6,5,4,3. Then these 4-bits (1110) are decoded by the SDB’s 74LS154 chip, and the appropriate TIP102 transistor is pulsed to ground, firing the desired playfield coil #7.


Now if the J4 connector at the MPU board or the SDB has a bad pin, instead of 4 bits, you only get 3 bits (or even 2 bits.) A missing bit is basically a zero, so the data received by the 74LS154 decoding chip is wrong. Hence the wrong coil is fired. So that’s what is happening here. Again, see the video, it really goes through this whole process and how to diagnose which connector is the problem.


Bottom line, when I replaced the MPU board (because of battery corrosion), the female side of the MPU’s J4 connector was not re-pinned. It was fine for 3 years, but now, corrosion on those connector pins have taken their toll. After re-pinning J4 pins 1,2,3,4 (and pin 10, the bank select pin, for good measure), the problem was fixed. So How did I know it was the MPU J4 connector, and not the SDB J4 connector? Well, watch the video!


Note there could have been other issues too. Like PIA U11 on the MPU board could have been at fault. Or the 75LS154 chip on the SDB. But those problems are far less common than failed .100″ Molex connector pins.

Again I refer you to the 7 minute video on this. Much better explanation than the above text and pictures.

Clay's Email is: cfh@provide.net
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Active Member
Nov 14, 2012
Scarborough, ON
Waiting on Superjackpot to pick up some parts that were supposed to be shipped to Buffalo in mid-November - seven feet of snow wrecked the whole schedule, but they're finally moving on from my possession!

Then I'm running to Warlocks to pick up the part that should get Congo flipping adequately for my nephew invasion over the next several days...

Best news? I was given an unexpected gift card, which I used yesterday afternoon to order a psw10 subwoofer to attach to High Speed and Whirlwind. Nearly fell over when it was delivered this morning. Will wire it up if I get the chance before tomorrow's party, although sadly scrubbing toilets is higher on my priority list.


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
The Bluffs, Scarborough
Met up with Sparky, Drano and Squidvicious today for the last big pin shuffle before real winter snow decides to set in.
Sparky met the 3 of us in Scarborough. 7-8 pins and cabs plus parts, pieces and mame coputer shuffled around.

Far too brief, but good times. I think Drano has some pics of the Scooby-Doo mobile of Sparky's.
Nothing quite like seeing Sparky standing up in a vehicle, pin on end on an appliance dolly.

No big pin moving plans now until spring, but ya never know...
Time to fix, repair, maintain and play some pinball next.