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X-Men pro rules?


Active Member
I've been playing more X-Men Pro over the past week or two, but have been having a hard time finding any good tutorials, or explanations as to how do things like battling villians etc. Is there anything out there someone can point me towards that explains some of the rules? It doesn't look like there's the typical Bowen/PAPA tutorial for this machine. Even IPDB doesn't seem to have too much to say about it...



Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
Keswick, ON
Depending on the version of the software there are different ways to play it.

I'll take specifically to the previous version of the software since the most recent version is a buggy mess.

Basically, the game comes down to risk vs reward in your magneto multiball, this is what drew me into the game in the first place.

Each of the Xmen on the disc adds a value to the Magneto Jackpots, so the main objective is so start and finish as many Xmen modes as you can before you start Magneto Multiball. If you start each character you will raise the base value of the jackpot, but if you complete each character it raises even further.

I played a magneto multiball where I had completed all but one xmen mode and my jackpots were valued at 1 million a shot which is huge in this game.

What's cool is that during the multiball, the only shots that will be lit for a jackpot value are the ones you have started. Yes it looks like all shots are lit when you first start , but if you hit those shots for the character you haven't played, you will only get a 50,000 jackpot value and the shot will not relight when you shoot magneto during multiball.

So the main strategy is start and finish as many xmen modes as you can before you go into your Magneto multiball.

Now I know you asking yourself, what about the villains, and this is the crux of the machine currently. While the xmen modes and magneto multiball have a well flushed out an interesting rule set, the villains are useless.

The only villains worth anything are, Sabertooth, Sentinals, Jugernaught, but they are only worth anything if you stack them into a multiball. The reason for this is because there are SOOOOOO many shots needed to actually defeat the villain and get an actual payout for the mode, it's very difficult to complete during single ball play, and risky.

The point values just aren't there for the villain modes, so unless you stack one into a multiball, they aren't worth playing for a points perspective. From a fun perspective I think they are great as they are all unique in their integration, it just sucks that because of poor programming they add nothing to the overall value of the machine.

Yes there are two multiballs, (brotherhood and hellfire) but they are so ridiculously hard to start and risky as fuck to even go after they aren't even worth bothering to go after.

Xmen men suffers from the Wayson Chung affect in that, it has a STELLAR layout but a terrible programmer behind it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
Keswick, ON
Tutoring isn't going to help I don't think.

Lyamn is as good a programmer as he is because he is as good a player as he is. He knows what makes a good game, plays his games out in the wild at Tournaments, and even gets pissed when people find exploits on his game (aka cannon exploit on ACDC) and wants to fix them.

I don't know Wayson, but I can only assume that this is just a job for him, I doubt he has half the passion that Lyman has, cause if he did, his code wouldn't be the shit show it currently is.

Menace said:
I wonder how much tutoring Wayson is getting from the likes of Lyman? One can only hope that this is happening.



Staff member
Nov 13, 2012
I *LOVE* the videogame elements Wayson has put in this game.. the health meters and boss modes are a very cool idea, and a much needed change from Lonnie's "shoot X to start mode, keep shooting X to end mode" bore-fest list of ideas.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
Keswick, ON
I agree its cool, but if there is no value it adds nothing to the overall experience.

The one suggestion I made to Stern which makes 100% total sense to me, add in combo values to the fight. If the base value of every shot is worth 250,000, for every combo you make it should 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x the value and bring the health meter down by the same amount.

That would give players a reason to play, and add the risk vs reward of going after the combos.

The flow on this game just BEGS for this kind of stuff, and I don't understand why they are ignoring the flow SO much, it's maddening!

I mean even when they try they fuck it up. They make the ice man ramp move during Sabetooth, but its counter intuitive, it feeds the right flipper when the right side shots are lit and the left flipper when the left side shots are lit, it's so fucking stupid

And to even combat someone trying to rape the same shot over and over for combos, they could just turn off the light on that shot till a series of other shots are made to relight it.

I mean think about the opportunity:

Xavier --> Cyclops --> Storm --> Iceman --> Beast --> End at Rouge


Xavier --> Cyclops --> Storm --> Iceman (change ramp) --> Beast --> Storm --> Jean

The combo possibilities are endless on this machine and it is being completely ignored.

and yes I know they are coming in the rules apparently, but who wants to bet me they will be no different than the combo rules in TF which are worth what boys and girls???


And yes I'm fucking pissed Wayson sucks as a programmer, hell just let me tell the little shit what to do and the code monkey can put it in and I guarantee this game would ROCK, I'd even consult on the game for Free if they would let me

I *LOVE* the videogame elements Wayson has put in this game.. the health meters and boss modes are a very cool idea, and a much needed change from Lonnie's "shoot X to start mode, keep shooting X to end mode" bore-fest list of ideas.


Staff member
Nov 13, 2012
It depends on what you're playing for.. are you playing to beat the game or are you playing for high score? I almost never go for score.. it's all about completing the modes and getting to wizard mode for me. That's where I get my rush.. I couldn't give a rat's ass about points. :p


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
Keswick, ON
Even in your scenario, my rule changes still make sense, because it would finish the villains off quicker since you would be doing more damage making it more likely that you would complete the mode.

In the current software, no way you are EVAR making dark Phoniex, it's next to impossible with how many shots are required and the time limit you are given and no carry over.

Also with the most recent version of the software, you will NEVER make Dark Phoniex because even when you finish a mode the fuckin light won't stay solid cause Wayson fucked that up as well.

It depends on what you're playing for.. are you playing to beat the game or are you playing for high score? I almost never go for score.. it's all about completing the modes and getting to wizard mode for me. That's where I get my rush.. I couldn't give a rat's ass about points. :p

Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
I played a magneto multiball where I had completed all but one xmen mode and my jackpots were valued at 1 million a shot which is huge in this game.

Actually, I've been messing around with it more, and I don't think the number of modes you have completed changes the jackpot-only starting modes. 7/8 goes to 650000, but all 8 takes it to an even million, whether they're flashing or solid, so it looks like this is the max value you can get to. Also, with the latest software (which I still like despite the bugs), the stacking is great on the X-men modes. I think I've managed to get seven of them running at the same time, which makes the trick to get a bunch started, then trigger wolverine MB. Also, 1.23 makes it so you can claim brotherhood/hellfire hits in other single ball modes, which makes them MUCH more attainable, and actually pretty useful if you want to risk it and try to start them with another hero (although none of the multiballs stack yet). Otherwise, the villain modes are all but useless.

Also, the magneto MB looks like it takes about 18 jackpots to get to the super, and getting the super with all 8 heroes lit collects dark phoenix. Been trying for that for ages now and still haven't gotten there (even with the new code).

Agreed that this game needs to get fixed-as much as I like some of the other sterns, I really don't want to buy another one until the game I paid a shitload of money for gets fixed. The update at Christmas would have been incomplete even without the bugs, but the "all wolverine all the time" speech, nightcrawler issues, and busted switch detection just makes no sense. One of those times when I really wish they'd open source games they don't have any intention of finishing.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
Keswick, ON
On the old software the jackpots work the way I described.

On the new Software, Magneto Super Jackpot starts Danger Room, not Dark Phoenix, Danger room was much harder to achieve on the older software and I like it that way better as it makes you play out all the Xmen modes and complete them. In the new software, you just have to start them and defeat Magneto, I made it to Danger Room on my second game with the new software and it took me quite a lot longer to get there on the old software.


Nov 17, 2012
I read on RGP that stern is doing a re-run of XM in March.....has anyone else heard this? Does this mean that they may do another (hopefully proper) update of the code before then?

Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
They posted on facebook that they were working on an update, but no info on when to expect it. If they're re-running in March though, that's a good sign, but this is one case when I'd rather just hear "when it's done". Deadlines are good, but good code is better.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
Keswick, ON
Just like there will be no more runs of Tron :p

Ideally this is just marketing BS to help drive sales, but if it is actually true, that doesn't bode well for the xmen code as Gary is usually one to cut his losses and move on even when things aren't perfect.


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
I suspect Adam is talking about the most recent update. .. Sorta.
They did a big release with Deadpool being one of the major new ingredients... and then a few days later made a few small adjustments to that code that introduced a bunch of bugs. I think most owners avoided the very last minor revision.

As far as villain modes being useless... I will offer this alternate opinion.
Yes they are harder to complete and, in some cases, even qualify; even with the addition of Deadpool to help you out.
However, for a player skilled enough to beat all the villains and reach Dark Phoenix wizard mode, that has got to be the single most valuable mode in the entire game.
I know... it's not exactly a great strategy since this might happen 1/100 times, but there is a huge reward and payoff if you can pull it off.

Some people say it's unbalanced, but I think the massive jackpots in DP are a fitting reward for getting through all the villains. The other nice thing is villains are progressive. So, if you don't complete them on the first attempt, you can go back and pick up where you left off... Magneto included.


Active Member
Apr 1, 2013
Montreal, Quebec
Ah I see I saw the date on this was over a year old, and I thought there was a rather significant code update within the last year. Thought they might have improved on some of the issues Adam mentioned.

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