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Search results

  1. Monkeybug

    Galactic Dimension

    An interesting homebrew game, in the name of science.... Full information here: http://www.niklasroy.com/project/182/galacticdimension
  2. Monkeybug

    The Magnificient Marble Machine

    So how many guys do you think it would take to move this thing?
  3. Monkeybug

    Chris Granner's Pinball Music Archives

    For those of you that don't know, Chris Granner has a downloadable archive of his music that he composed for various System 11 and WCS pinball games along with some history of his craft at Williams. http://cgmusic.net/archives.html
  4. Monkeybug

    Stern's Spike System

    For any of you serious techies out there, here is an article going over the new Stern Spike system and how it differs from their older SAM system. Advanced networks make pinball games pop! May 6, 2015 Editor : 0 Comments by Paul Mandeltort, Director, Parts and Accessories, Stern Pinball, Inc...
  5. Monkeybug

    Wacky Weird Pinball (video) Games

    Got 9 minutes of free time that you never want back? Then check out this history of pinball simulated video games... some definite oddities.
  6. Monkeybug

    Hammer of the Gods (CPR conversion)

    Bonzo is on the upper playfield.
  7. Monkeybug

    Hammer of the Gods (CPR conversion)

    Not my cup of tea but I can understand why they have some limits with their creativity.... From the website: DO YOU HAVE A LICENSE ? No. This is not a Led Zeppelin pin. Please see Stu's documentation above. 95% of the artwork for this project is by Stu's own hand & mouse. However...
  8. Monkeybug

    One Quarter At A Time

  9. Monkeybug

    Want to program your own classic Bally or Stern?

    Apple Juice from the UK has created a new custom board as a plug and play system for classic Bally and Stern games. Using a custom PCB and Adruino, a classic game can now be updated with new rules and effects. As an example for anyone who think Bally Flash Gordon was sorely missing a Queen...
  10. Monkeybug

    Pinball Magazine Issue #2- Shipping June 12th

    For those of you interested, the next issue will be shipping June 12th. Looks like it has a lot of info. More info here: http://www.pinball-magazine.com/?p=1154
  11. Monkeybug

    Well here's something you don't see every day...

    Sucks having ethics in this hobby eh?
  12. Monkeybug

    Buying pinball parts

    Pinball Resource has probably the best and most complete flipper rebuilds. I find they are great if you are not sure what parts to assemble yourself. They seems a bit more pricey but once you include all the parts not included in the other rebuild kits, they are sometimes cheaper. Their web...
  13. Monkeybug

    SOLD Earthshaker - $2,900 or Trade

    Not sure what the going rate is. Send me a PM and we can discuss.
  14. Monkeybug

    SOLD EBD LE - $1350

    FastEd is right. Bobby Orr.
  15. Monkeybug

    SOLD Earthshaker - $2,900 or Trade

    If you need decals, I have some for sale. I never bothered redoing my cab (just everything else in the game).
  16. Monkeybug

    Dr@No's fun filled (and often long-winded) restorations

    I demand revenge for our throw down. I want a rematch to get my quarter back! I have been practicing some new pitching techniques since my last ones didn't seem to work.
  17. Monkeybug

    ColorDMD's next game is... Metallica

    Amazing what a little competition can do....
  18. Monkeybug

    Skit-B Sh*t Storm

    As an update, it appears the Midland (MI) police department is now involved and it may be escalated to the federal level. More details here: https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/attention-predator-buyers-list The detective currently looking into the case is looking for information from all...
  19. Monkeybug

    Article: Laundromat Pinball

    Ever seen a Big Bang Bar at a laundromat? Full Article: http://www.wsj.com/articles/in-brooklyn-the-laundromat-as-hangout-1428972965
  20. Monkeybug

    FS Star Wars Episode 1 (No longer for sale)

    3 games listed in my wishlist, right above. :)