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Search results

  1. Monkeybug

    New Product: Pinball Shield

    I hear its all the rage in the furniture world these days.... No more worrying about Auntie Rosita burning your couch, again!
  2. Monkeybug

    Pinball on location, Down Under style

    Some might disagree....
  3. Monkeybug

    SOLD 1981 Williams Solar Fire

    Re: FS: 1981 Williams Solar Fire Adam, I couldn't have said it anymore eloquently. Ryan, I am not sure why you feel the need to make things personal just because I criticized a post of yours that was criticizing another post.
  4. Monkeybug

    SOLD 1981 Williams Solar Fire

    Re: FS: 1981 Williams Solar Fire Criticizing a price = bashing (to me) especially when you (self admittedly) don't have enough knowledge on the subject. Maybe I should have used a softer word like Critique? Maybe you are correct that I have a pathetic life for pointing out the ridiculousness...
  5. Monkeybug

    SOLD 1981 Williams Solar Fire

    Re: FS: 1981 Williams Solar Fire How come you aren't bashing the price on this thread like you did on Pinside? https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic ... solar-fire
  6. Monkeybug

    Best Halloween themed pinball?

    It even looks like a Coffin! Super scary stuff.
  7. Monkeybug

    Tim's ROCK thread

    Re: Tm's ROCK thread I always wondered what the girl is holding the band back for? Is there some sort of beauty salon sale going on and she just wants to get to the gig? I guess we will never know.
  8. Monkeybug

    Who knows video games?

    Menace (Doug)! He can fix it. Lots of experience. I am not sure what he charges though for in house calls.
  9. Monkeybug

    Pinball Expo 2014 stuff

    Those Zidware cabinets look nice. But as someone once told me... you don't play the cabinet.
  10. Monkeybug

    Any ISP recommendations (GTA)

    TekSavvy or Accanac.
  11. Monkeybug

    The Goonies: A Pinball Adventure!

    Strange coincidence, I just saw these downtown today.
  12. Monkeybug

    What's your high score....?

  13. Monkeybug


    I was going to tell you to just stay away from this hobby because it is obsessive and evil but it appears I am too late. Congo is a great, underrated game. Lots of flow and toys. I just watched the movie lately and all the voice calls and modes now make sense.
  14. Monkeybug

    Pinball - Behind The Scenes - The Offline World

    More than you will ever know....
  15. Monkeybug

    Pinball - Behind The Scenes - The Offline World

    And don't forget the Ikea breakfasts!
  16. Monkeybug

    YES!!!! ColorDMD finally doing IJ!!!

    I'm not budging until the price comes down from the stratosphere for these things. They look great but the price tag is pretty high when you start adding more than a few. By the time you convert, add shipping and taxes you are over $500 per display. How come DMD extender hasn't filled the DIY...
  17. Monkeybug

    ColorDMD - The next title is...

    Im still waiting for you to find me one.
  18. Monkeybug

    Will TAF ever be remade?

    I heard that in 79% of the people polled about a remake, 62% of them thought there was a 50% chance of it being remade.
  19. Monkeybug

    Pinball Arcade next game is BSD

    You beat me too it.
  20. Monkeybug

    Interest Check: Atari 800XL w/drives + games

    Love my old Atari 800 and 130xe and Indus GT drives. Those were the days. So superior to the C64 but that didn't help them. And to go off topic here is a C64 retro video.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=140ea47ndME