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  1. sylvain

    Fireball Classic Down

    Are you sure the measured voltages are accurate, for the Solenoid Driver Board: TP5 - 10.7 (that is with the multimeter set to DC volts, black lead on the ground test point, and red lead on TP5 on the solenoid driver board ? (this measure should give a reading above +12V when all is OK). The...
  2. sylvain

    Fireball Classic Down

    If the original MPU board has some corrosion around its battery (center bottom of the board), it might explain the intermittent reset problems with that original board, given that the reset circuit is in the same location (left of the battery). Do you have a multimeter ? To troubleshoot this...
  3. sylvain

    Genesis - Tilt switch closed

    Just a suggestion (I am sure you already know): If you can, check the inputs and outputs of these TTL chips on the switch matrix (with a logic probe, DMM or scope), to positively identify the faulty chip before going through the efforts of replacing any. Cheers, - Sylvain.
  4. sylvain

    Genesis - Tilt switch closed

    There is a similar issue along with solution posted here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic ... 9oTyqlB7Rw Good luck ! - Sylvain.
  5. sylvain

    Help with Totem that is acting up

    Check the +5Vand -12V supplies on the MPU, arriving from the power supply. Looks like the +5V is not stable to the MPU. The harness/pins power supply-MPU, the small +5V potentiometer adjust on the power supply, and the harness/pins MPU/driver are often in need of attention. - Sylvain.
  6. sylvain

    System 1 help needed !

    Some info here: http://tuukan.fliput.net/sys1_en.html#driver Hmmm, perhaps time to suspect the MPU. Make sure the Ni-Wumpf switches are set for the correct game. I would also triple-check the wiring on the repined MPU-Driver harness in case some wires are reversed. - Sylvain.
  7. sylvain

    System 1 help needed !

    One of the two transformers also has one bridge rectifier, protected by a 5A SB fuse typically, for the controlled lamps. Have you checked that fuse ? and, the Tilt relay does control both the GI as well as the controlled lamps (at least in Sinbad and in Genie, both Systems 1) on separate...
  8. sylvain

    System 1 help needed !

    Did you check the MPU to Driver harness ? If there was any corrosion on the original MPU in the past, it is quite possible that some of the pins in that harness are corroded or broken... Also check the game over and tilt relays, one of them interrupts some lamps if I recall. Of course, these...
  9. sylvain

    HighSpeed Kicker on the left side.

    No lube should be used for this assembly - if the sleeve and plunger are clean, and the return spring OK, the plunger should slide in and out easily every time.
  10. sylvain

    HighSpeed Kicker on the left side.

    This is a regular coil with a different mechanical assembly that allows a plunger with a Teflon tip to hit/save the ball when activated. Either your coil overheated in the past or there is dried-up oil or grease in there that is binding the plunger. Hopefully the drive transistor is good and not...
  11. sylvain

    FS "Not Mine" Pinball Machines For Sale

    yep, same machine also advertized for sale in Orleans: http://ottawa.kijiji.ca/c-buy-and-sell- ... Z563699941
  12. sylvain

    Sloppy EM Flippers

    One more thing - on a DC flipper circuit (as in many Williams EMs - I believe Segasa is similar), the bridge rectifier under the playfield may be bad - only if both flippers are weak the same way. I am sure you already filed the EOS and flipper button switches to make sure no contact resistance...
  13. sylvain

    Sloppy EM Flippers

    I have seen similar issues in the past on EMs when: - the flipper coil is not the correct original one (compare with the left flipper coil); - the angle of the coil stop is not at 90 degree with the plunger (yours appears fine); - diode left present on a replacement flipper coil, on an AC...
  14. sylvain

    Gorgar weak solenoids

    Hmmm, can you first measure the actual AC line voltage entering Gorgar, as well as the DC Solenoid voltage in it: a- when the machine is alone powered-up; b- when all other machines are on and in attract mode. I suspect you may have a low AC line voltage condition/electrical wiring or issue in...
  15. sylvain

    FS "Not Mine" Pinball Machines For Sale

    This indeed appears to be a scam, copied from this eBay auction: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Monster-Bash-Pi ... 1018944440 - Sylvain.
  16. sylvain


    Another scam advertized on Kijiji Saskatchewan and Ottawa. The one in Sask seems to have been taken down now. $5000 again ? - Sylvain.
  17. sylvain

    FS "Not Mine" Pinball Machines For Sale

    Hmmm, here's another ad for another fabulous Christopher Hutchins Addams Family advertized on Kijiji Ottawa, same $5000, located in Oakville ? http://ottawa.kijiji.ca/c-buy-and-sell- ... Z548106348 ... strange... - Sylvain.
  18. sylvain

    Smoke in the cabinet is bad, right?

    What was the voltage spec on the replacement varistor that blew again ? At least 130 volts, right ? Cheers, - Sylvain.
  19. sylvain

    williams Flash help

    First, check for any broken common wire at a coil lugs under the PF... Second, could be an issue on the driver board (special solenoids, or associated connectors) Cheers, - Sylvain.
  20. sylvain

    Could use some help getting baby pacman to boot

    I would double check that the Solenoid Driver indeed outputs +5V again first. If the MPU has corrosion, the old battery might also have damaged connectors including female pins inside J4 on the MPU. Confirm if +5V arrives on J4 wires pins 16 & 17 from the top of the connector. If yes, then...