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Search results

  1. eh97ac

    Price Check: Judge Dredd

    Maybe when you pay in $5 bills
  2. eh97ac

    3D Printing

    No rush and much appreciated. Check out SWINKS on pinside, he might share the files. I found some stuff on Thingverse but not these particular pieces.
  3. eh97ac

    The Daily News! All about the members.

    Finally got a Special Force ;) Spent Sunday cleaning it and going over the boards, cap kits done and HV rebuild on order.
  4. eh97ac

    repaired my pinball, ready to fire, but got questions

    Keep the boards. If you ever sell the game, some collectors want original boards. You can then move the replacements boards to the next game. In the meantime, send the boards out to be done professionally.
  5. eh97ac

    3D Printing

    Is anyone 3D printing yet, personal or business in the GTA? I am looking for some of these http://shpws.me/CFgl and other parts. I'd rather keep my money at home! Final result below.
  6. eh97ac

    10% off for all Prev members

    Is the whole place your stuff @Barrel ?
  7. eh97ac

    SOLD Bally Space Invaders - $1500

    This was mine previously. New pop bumper caps, both styles Solenoid board capped Sound board capped MPU, setup for 2732, added NVRAM and burned the Oliver home ROMs Siegecraft LED adapters https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/classic-ballystern-led-adapter-kit-review Lots of other little...
  8. eh97ac

    Question, Would a Pinball fit in my Honda CRV?

    Depends on the year, my 2003 CRV handles a pin perfectly. I have moved Bally SS, Bally WB SS, WPC, Sys11.... nothing has stumped it yet
  9. eh97ac

    PBRev turns 3! (super awesome prize giveaway inside!)

    Woohooooo, my avatar comes true!
  10. eh97ac

    How to convert free pay to coin operated?

    Try 0.10, wasn't that the original price? You can also try American quarters or maybe the coin mech is for tokens only
  11. eh97ac

    PINBALL PIMP Cab Stencils

    FYI - I provided Jeff with Lost World scans, should be number 2 or 3 in his queue for 2016
  12. eh97ac

    Looking for someone to deliver a pinball machine

    For that price call Sameday and ask about lift gate service
  13. eh97ac

    I was cleaning up my Meteor and found a little friend

    What did it taste like?
  14. eh97ac

    stern's next band pinball

  15. eh97ac

    What Pinball Wax to buy in Canada?

    Eshine.ca, Chemical guys XXX wax
  16. eh97ac

    TIP Playfield clearcoat

    Did he touch up anything or just clear? $200 per sounds like a great price.
  17. eh97ac

    Bally Lost World Playfield Clearcoat

    Thanks guys. I learned a lot and feel very comfortable with the process now but I'm not sure it's worth the hassle to clear at home. Between the wrong environment, safety gear, tools and the looming although slim possibility of breathing this stuff...not really sure. I'd prefer paying someone to...
  18. eh97ac

    Interesting Bally -17 MPU Repair

    Nice find
  19. eh97ac

    Bally Lost World Playfield Clearcoat

    Finally got to finish a NOS Lost World playfield I picked up this summer. Here is the pf, notice the bad red insert on the left side. Supposedly, this was in the trash bin at the Bally factory but an operator was allowed to have it during a visit (1980's visit). Here I have replaced the...
  20. eh97ac

    WTB One Stern Seawitch Pop Bumper Cap

    STN-13A37 http://www.pbresource.com/pfbumper.htm