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Search results

  1. eh97ac

    WTB 2 Bally/Stern 6 digit displays

    Not originals but I have seen positive reviews http://ilaina.wix.com/wolffpac-tech
  2. eh97ac

    Building a Dream

    Stick a̶ ̶l̶o̶o̶n̶i̶e̶ some quarters under the cement for good luck!
  3. eh97ac

    Room / Pinball Lighting

    Always loved this guys arcade with the black light and carpet. See "The Cave" http://www.braidarcave.com/
  4. eh97ac

    The first step is admitting I have a problem

    Talk to me before you do something rash!
  5. eh97ac

    Anybody know how to get rid of the musty smell out of an old machine ?

    Bowl of white vinegar in the cab overnight. You can also spay vinegar directly on the wood and wipe off immediately.
  6. eh97ac

    New code - Tales From The Crypt and Jurassic Park!

    Yup CHAD is the guy, he also just released a JP ROM update
  7. eh97ac

    WTB Bally Medusa

    Still looking but only have cash now.
  8. eh97ac

    SOLD Only for friends without a pin - Time Warp

    Pin is off to a good home, great meeting you Jim! Now, I want to challenge other members who are sitting on dirty, dusty, folded up projects and do the same. It feels great to help someone get into the hobby and meet new people:D
  9. eh97ac

    SOLD Only for friends without a pin - Time Warp

    Thanks guys. Drano, keep me posted.
  10. eh97ac

    SOLD Only for friends without a pin - Time Warp

    I have helped a few friends get into the hobby and it's been great. I fixed up some pins, showed friends the basics and got them hooked, sort of like a feel good drug dealer (aren't they all?). I'd like to continue the trend and expand out to board members with a friend in a similar situation...
  11. eh97ac

    Ultrasonic Cleaner (USC)

    Ultradust is concentrated version of a well know liquid USC additive. My guess is the Lyman turbo line
  12. eh97ac

    New Toy

    The horizontal PCB positioning works well, it also eliminated the urge to press down and possibly have a pad lift during the "sucking". Remember kids, clean your tip inside and out at the end of every session ;)
  13. eh97ac

    New Toy

    How much are tips, filters....etc for the Hack-Oh 808?
  14. eh97ac

    WTB Williams Sys 3-7 Display Glass

    Looking for working 6 digit display glass with or without boards. also looking for partially working glass for credit/match display. I have a working master display sans working glass for trade or cash
  15. eh97ac

    spiroagnew's Solar City Cabnet Refresh

    Wow, nice work!
  16. eh97ac

    WTB Bally Medusa

    Looking to trade with PINS or cash I have a Time Warp and a Space Invaders up for trade bait
  17. eh97ac

    WTB PF Glass - Widebody and standard

    FOUND - Got some glass from the Church
  18. eh97ac

    FS "Not Mine" Pinball Machines For Sale

    $500 for the last one that came up on kijiji
  19. eh97ac

    FREE - Pool table light fixture

    Is it a... ?