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Search results

  1. websherpa

    Williams Blackout

    Good catch (I like Blackout, and all System 6). You have quite the project, but restoring a System 6 isn't too difficult and in the process you'll learn most everything you need to know. I have to laugh when someone calls a solid state pin an "older pin." To me an "older pin" is a flipperless...
  2. websherpa

    Williams Blackout

    Williams System 6 generally need a complete overhaul, re-built power supply and intermittent issues are often caused by the CPU / Driver Board interconnects (which are notorious for getting solder breaks and worn pins), re-seat chips and sometimes their sockets need to be replaced. Battery leaks...
  3. websherpa

    SOLD 1993 STTNG (off the market)

    Me likey the cubist version! Lol, thanks for the morning laugh Mike. I too am a multiple STTNG owner, the one I have now I am likely to be buried with. I still find it funny though that in "the hey day" of WPC collecting, which I think was before you arrived on the scene Mike, STTNG was at...
  4. websherpa

    Why no Toronto Pinball/Arcade Shows????

    Speaking as one of the minor organizing players in the last one... seven years ago now: http://www.torontogameroomshow.com ;) It was fun, but we lost money. Our community plus the interested public just isn't (or wasn't) big enough to sustain something on the scale that we attempted then. I...
  5. websherpa

    Built my first pin2DMD!

    whew! I was thinking maybe they got a C&D order.
  6. websherpa

    Built my first pin2DMD!

    vpuniverse.com and some other resources appear to be down or inaccessible. Am I too late to the party?
  7. websherpa

    Favourite Feature

    Again, specific to one game, but I like the little wireframe circuit in Rollergames. It sends the balls around just at the right time to distract me, or my opponent. I also like the hilariously wild "Catch Up" feature that Gottlieb has in some games that allows a seriously underscoring...
  8. websherpa

    SOLD New Hobby? Teknetics Omega 8000 Metal Detector and Accessories

    Thanks! It was fun having something better than a Radio Shack (The Source for you young ins) special . I found a lot of coins (we have a local rib fest than was a good hunting ground for recent drops), tons of nails, caps and foil when starting out. Some jewellery. Located our buried oil tank...
  9. websherpa

    FS "Not Mine" Pinball Machines For Sale

    For a while there, there was enough unwanted pinball stock out there in other arenas like operator barns. And people would practically pay you to get a big hunk of dead junk out of their basement. Collectors who had access would often push their excess through to other collectors (often to...
  10. websherpa

    FS "Not Mine" Pinball Machines For Sale

    It's a two part effect. First off, although a somewhat successful tactic for some, pinball collectors (as opposed to sycophant "flippers") poo poo the public Kijiji "Pinball Wanted" ads because some people and thieves often misused that way of obtaining machines from unsuspecting public. Often...
  11. websherpa

    FS 1972 Seeburgh Jukebox

    Does it come with sunglasses?
  12. websherpa

    Custom Pinball - TOTAL ANNIHILATION Video by Dead Flip

    What I wouldn't give to do something like this. What system is it using?
  13. websherpa

    WTB Looking for a pinball machine

    Take #9 off the list if you know what's good for you. lol. And stay away from Gottlieb. No one but me has liked those for years! lol ;-)
  14. websherpa

    FS "Not Mine" Pinball Machines For Sale

    Damn, damn, damn, damn..... (me banging head against wall because I am NOT supposed to be spending money right now. lol). I've been wanting another one of these for a few years now, and these days that's about the right price I would think (even though I got my first one for $750).
  15. websherpa

    WPC Speaker Pop Eliminator!

    Put me down for a spare or kit if there is enough. Thanks Doug!
  16. websherpa

    FS 1993 STTNG off the market

    My dilemma has to do with permanence in a local collection. If playing it occasionally or by the uninitiated, the drain lane would be frustrating. However if you want a challenging game for a long term collection, then figuring out how to get long ball times and avoid the drains is all part of...
  17. websherpa

    SOLD Spring Break $900

  18. websherpa

    FS 1993 STTNG off the market

    Sorry I missed this (gotta learn to "subscribe" to threads). I'm kind of hesitating installing mine. One of the beauties that keeps this game interesting for me IS that it is just that darn hard. Part of the "skill" in learning a particular machine is HOW to ball handle to avoid those kinds...